

Carefully selected Sake Rice and Pristine Water

We mainly use two varieties of sake-specific rice: Shizuoka Prefecture’s original variety Homarefuji, and Yamada Nishiki, grown in Tojo, a Toku-A area of Hyogo Prefecture. Both are late-ripening varieties—ears appear, and ripening begins around the comparatively cooler period following summer—have large grains, can withstand high levels of polishing, dissolve well into the mash, and are suited for maturation, making them ideal for our brewing. The water we use to brew is spring water from the Southern Alps, pumped from a well approx. 50m below the brewery. As there is an abundant supply of this pristine water, we use it in all stages of our brewing process: from washing and soaking to fermentation building, dilution, and washing equipment. 80% of a bottle of sake is water, so it is an essential ingredient that determines the character and quality of our brews. Without this pristine water that contains the right minerals, our ideal sake would be impossible.



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Hatsukame Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.

1636年創業 Since1636

〒421-1121 静岡県藤枝市岡部町岡部744